I'm Julian
A Front-End Developer
I Build React/Vue Websites
A bit of my work
A bit about me...
I'm a self taught developer who started his coding journey in 2017. From there I slowly taught myself front end development with React, Gatsby and Sass. I even learned a bit of OOP with Java and mySQL.
In 2021 I was lucky enough to start working full time as a Front End developer for Enovational. There I quickly learned Vue.js, Ruby on Rails, and Bootstrap. More importantly, I learned how to work on a development team with an existing codebase as well as how to communicate with the design and product team to bring prototypes to life.
I am always learning and looking for my next opportunity, hit me up if you would like to collaborate or just chat. Always happy to help those in their own personal coding journey.
- 🧠 I'm learning Next.js, Node.js and Python. Pretty much I want to master the fullstack!
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on creative endeavors, video games, and someone please explain to me Web3.0 haha.
- ⚡ Love to explore the city with my wife, eat tacos, and have long winded conversations about psychology.
My GitHub Stats
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me at julianv@atolemedia.com
or use the contact form below.